• Djoko Poernomo
Keywords: Organizational Resources, Intangible Resources, Competitive Advantages, Batik


Traditional "Batik Tulis" are one of Indonesia's proud creative products. When the traditional "BatikTulis" creative business is unable to compete with "Batik Manufaktur" products, then the pride is lost.Therefore, the traditional "Batik Tulis" existence needs to be maintained by caring for intangibleresources behind traditional "Batik Tulis" products. The purpose of this paper explains how to takecare of the intangible resources behind a traditional "Batik Tulis" cloth. Research location inBanyuwangi Regency, East Java Province, Indonesia. Type of qualitative research. Informant is theowner of batik creative business. Data collection using in-depth interviews and focus groupdiscussions. Data analysis using descriptive analysis. The research findings show that creative batikbusiness is able to adapt in a very tight competition situation but can erode its position in the marketby "Batik Manufaktur" product. How to take care of sustainable intangible resources as a source ofcreating a competitive advantage is to apply a strategy of inheritance. The intangible resourceinheritance strategy is discussed in this paper.


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