• Yanti Efendy
  • Febria Sri Handayani
Keywords: Promotion, sales, UWE Methods


Internet usage in Indonesia reached 88.1 million in 2015. 85% of users access internet using a mobile phone, 68.7% of internet users use the internet to search for information. Percentage of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology many companies use the Internet as a medium for promotion. Promotion of the company mostly uses print media and electronic media such as advertisements, brochures, newspapers so that sales of products limited only within a region or city. Website sales promotion can be easier for companies to disseminate information about the products manufactured and facilitate transactions with online form. Method used in the website creation process is a method of UWE (UML- Web Based Engineering) used to do specification, visualization, construction and documentation of artifacts of software systems. Results of the study is a website that was built as a media campaign and sales and are designed using methods UWE. The conclusion of the research is the application of methods UWE (UML-Based Web Engineering) can be applied with use of tools such as the send button, upload button, use the navigation links. Website promotion and sales methods UWE (UML-Based Web Engineering) can be any media promotion of products manufactured by the company.


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