• Muhamad Eka Gumilang
  • Winarno Sugeng


Technology has rapidly developed not only in communication, but also in other fields, such as health to help human in detecting a heartbeat. Healthy is the most important thing for human’s life. Human can determine the body health by taking the test in hospital, but in reality human are too busy with their activity or constrained by other things such as the cost to check their health. The mortality rate is increasing every year due to someone’s lateness knowing his/her illness. Therefore, it is needed a device determining someone’s condition with a more practical way by designing a device that can detect a heartbeat. In this research, the heartbeat detector provides the information about someone’s condition by checking the heartbeat using an electronic series equipped by pulse sensor as the input used to detect the heartbeat. The electronic series used is Raspberry Pi as an interface onto monitor screen and mcp3008 adc is a tool used to convert the output from analog to digital that will result the output of “beat”. The device is expected to help user detecting the heartbeat easily and early in order to know the condition and can quickly overcome their health problems.


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