Gamification, ZPreneur, ITPreneurship, Student, iLearning
The rise of online learnings have proliferated immensely in Indonesia, sprouting a lot of institutions in the field ofeducation following this trend. However, if just looking for a change in trends, it was not appropriate to be appliedin the education field. In this context, Perguruan Tinggi Raharja has iLearning method of learning which hasincreasingly become the most popular concentration field of study for students. Community ZPreneur is agamification management system that implements iLearning on the subject of ITpreneurship. Gamification isworking to make the technology attractive, by encouraging users to engage in desired behaviors, by showing theway to mastery and autonomy, to assist in solving the problem in order not to be a nuisance, as well as by takingadvantage of human psychological tendency 'to engage in a game'. Gamification is also able to motivate us toachieve better. Because of the presence of gamification technology we would try to improve the quality of ourachievements by contributing in the ZPreneur. With that concept, students are expected to hone their creativity increating a business for themselves. In addition, with the implementation of the concept of gamification, students should be more competitive in contributing there.
[1]Aini, Qurotul & Cahyo. (2015). ZPRENEUR.Available at[accessed 27 April 2015].
[2] Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia. (2014). Gamifikasi.Available at[accessed 27 April 2015].
[3] Desrianti, Dewi Immaniar. Untung Rahardja danRahma Rinie. CCIT Journal 2013 i-Learning MetodeBelajar Efektif Untuk Sekolah Tinggi. PerguruanTinggi Raharja. Available at
[4]Kamil, Husnil. Hasdi Putra dan Surya Afnarius.Seminar Nasional Sistem Komputer dan Informatika2014 Implementasi Gamifikasi pada BlogLaboratorium Pemrograman dan Basis Data sebagaiPemicu Motivasi Menulis. Universitas Andalas.Available at
[5] Rahardja, Untung. Qurotul Aini dan Desi Sartika.CCIT Journal 2014 Build A Business To ConsumerOnline Store Using Airzone Content ManagementSystem. Perguruan Tinggi Raharja. Available at
[6] K.Paulus, T.Yoseph. (2013). Penerapan Model MindMapping Melalui Cooperatif Melalui LearningPelajaran IPS Ekonomi Di Kelas IXA SMP Negeri 1Parindu Kabupaten Sanggau. Program StudiPendidikan Ekonomi, Jurusan Pendidikan IPS,Universitas Tanjungpura Pontianak. Available at
[7] Nugroho, E. (2013, June 10). Gamification, BukanSekadar BagiBagi Poin. Kompas Tekno: Indonesia.Available at [accessed27 April 2015]
[8] Aparicio, A. F., Vela, F. L., Sanchez, J. L., & Montes,J. L. (2012). Analysis and application of gamification.Interaccion.
[9] Deterding, S., Dixon, D., Khaled, R., & Lennart, N.(2011). From Game Design Elements to Gamefulness:Defining "Gamification". Mindtrect.
[10] Fitz-Walter, Z., Tjondronegoro, D., & Wyeth, P.(2011). Orientation Passport: Using gamification toengage university students. OZCHI , 122-125.
[11] Zichermann, G., & Cunningham, C. (2011).Gamification by Design. Canada: O'Reilly.
[12]Wibowo, Radityo Prasetianto & Romdhoni, FachriHilmi. (2013). Purwarupa Aplikasi Pembelajaran SQLInteraktif Berbasis Web Dengan PenerapanGamification. Jurusan Sistem Informasi, FakultasTeknologi Informasi, Institut Teknologi SepuluhNopember. Available at
[2] Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia. (2014). Gamifikasi.Available at[accessed 27 April 2015].
[3] Desrianti, Dewi Immaniar. Untung Rahardja danRahma Rinie. CCIT Journal 2013 i-Learning MetodeBelajar Efektif Untuk Sekolah Tinggi. PerguruanTinggi Raharja. Available at
[4]Kamil, Husnil. Hasdi Putra dan Surya Afnarius.Seminar Nasional Sistem Komputer dan Informatika2014 Implementasi Gamifikasi pada BlogLaboratorium Pemrograman dan Basis Data sebagaiPemicu Motivasi Menulis. Universitas Andalas.Available at
[5] Rahardja, Untung. Qurotul Aini dan Desi Sartika.CCIT Journal 2014 Build A Business To ConsumerOnline Store Using Airzone Content ManagementSystem. Perguruan Tinggi Raharja. Available at
[6] K.Paulus, T.Yoseph. (2013). Penerapan Model MindMapping Melalui Cooperatif Melalui LearningPelajaran IPS Ekonomi Di Kelas IXA SMP Negeri 1Parindu Kabupaten Sanggau. Program StudiPendidikan Ekonomi, Jurusan Pendidikan IPS,Universitas Tanjungpura Pontianak. Available at
[7] Nugroho, E. (2013, June 10). Gamification, BukanSekadar BagiBagi Poin. Kompas Tekno: Indonesia.Available at [accessed27 April 2015]
[8] Aparicio, A. F., Vela, F. L., Sanchez, J. L., & Montes,J. L. (2012). Analysis and application of gamification.Interaccion.
[9] Deterding, S., Dixon, D., Khaled, R., & Lennart, N.(2011). From Game Design Elements to Gamefulness:Defining "Gamification". Mindtrect.
[10] Fitz-Walter, Z., Tjondronegoro, D., & Wyeth, P.(2011). Orientation Passport: Using gamification toengage university students. OZCHI , 122-125.
[11] Zichermann, G., & Cunningham, C. (2011).Gamification by Design. Canada: O'Reilly.
[12]Wibowo, Radityo Prasetianto & Romdhoni, FachriHilmi. (2013). Purwarupa Aplikasi Pembelajaran SQLInteraktif Berbasis Web Dengan PenerapanGamification. Jurusan Sistem Informasi, FakultasTeknologi Informasi, Institut Teknologi SepuluhNopember. Available at