Normalized Variance, digital microscope, automatic focus
The objective of this study is to design digital microscope interface that could determine focus automatically. This digitalmicroscope is equipped with a stepper motor as an object table driver (x & y axis) and microscope focus driver (z axis).The focus is determined based on the calculation of Normalized Variance (F) from the microscope images. Higher Fvalue resulted in clearer images. In contrary, lower F value resulted in vague images. Based on those criteria, the focusof microscope will be achieved when the maximal F value is obtained. The automatic microscope focus attained wascompared with conventional method (manual) to determine its congruence with t-paired test. Based on t-paired test result,p value = 0.313 is bigger than α = 0.05, thus no difference is found between automatic focus point and conventional focuspoint. Therefore, this method could be used to replace the conventional method to determine digital microscope focus.
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