• Giandari Maulani
  • Esty Maulina
  • Kartika Chandra Buana Sejati
Keywords: Event Organizer, Information Systems Design, Sales Reports


Effected by the rapid development of the current era, resulting in increased market opportunities increasingly available and indirectly sparked the growth of the Event Organizer in Indonesia. Conventional promotional strategy is no longer considered to be tough to win the competition, Event Organizer creates the concept of promotion through event a unique, attractive and communicative. PT. Tung Guenta K. Resources is an agency engaged in the Event Organizer and educational seminars, which was founded by Mr. Richard Tan and Mr.Tung Desem Waringin. As for the obstacles when running this Event Organizer on their financial reports. Current sales report data rendering is still done manually so that it allows documents lost or damaged before the reported financial goto. Report sales the sales sometimes differ, resulting in the report does not comply with the financial calculations. This research was made to produce a sales report information system designs that can help this Event Organizer. Methodology the results used in this study consists of an analysis with SWOT analysis Method, the method of the design with the Unified Modeling Language. Method of making a program with PHP, CSS and HTML. Method of making the application with a tool Database with MySQL, Notepad, with Google Chrome and Browser testing method with Blackbox Testing. Conclusion this study i.e. the availability of a system that can meet the sales report management activities and the process of making a systematic report so that it can present the sales reports with on time.


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