• Lily Wulandari
  • Diana Ikasari
  • Tristyanti Yusnitasari
  • Lana Sularto
Keywords: Testimoni, Opinion Mining, Analisis Sentimen


Testimony is an opinion mining or could be part of sentiment analysis, which can defined as a process of understanding, extract and process the textual data automatically to get the sentiment of information contained in an opinion sentence. Testimonials about a product is very important in determining the purchase of a product. Sentences which is contained in the testimonial could be negative or positive view. In this paper, sentiment analysis is done to see opinions or tendency of opinions towards a book products, whether or opine tend to view negative or positive. The magnitude of the effect and benefits of sentiment analysis led to research and application based on sentiment analysis rapidly grow. Methodology which is done in the first step in this paper is preprocessing which includes tokenizing text and stemming, and continued with the process of forming the corpus database and the process of determining the ranking of results testimony. In this study, the algorithm which is used for stemming process is a potter algorithm.


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