• I Made Purwantara
  • Danang Tejo Kumoro
  • Apriani Apriani
Keywords: Implementation, Application, Employee, Web


Biomedika is one of the specialist hospitals in Mataram, within its operation Biomedika utilize Human Resources such as; doctors, nurses, employees, etc. Nowadays, the staff data management of Biomedikahospital are done manually by using Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word. Accordingly, it creates inefficiency of the administration process, it is also difficult to find out data or documents which might be lost since it has no special database storage on the administration process of Biomedika hospital. To cope the problems, the solution is to develop web-based ofemployee information system application. In completing the research, it is used SDLC (System Development Life Cycle) methodology with three stages; analyzing, designing and implementing. The programming language of PHP by using the MySQL database is used at the implementation stage. This Information Systems application will produce the appropriate information and reports relate to staff data management. The output/reports produced are; employee gender-based recapitulation data, employee position-based recapitulation data, employee latest educationbased recapitulation data, employee furlough-based recapitulation data, each employee bio data reports, each employee gender data reports, latest education along with monthly and annualfurlough data reports of the employee. This application is expected to swift the time used by the administration staff in collecting the data of employee and obtain reports as well as more accurate information.


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