• Alim Hardiansyah
  • Purwanto Purwanto
  • Ravie Kurnia Laday
Keywords: Organisasi pembelajaran, Management Information Systems, quality of Services


Business development, particularly in the field of education these days is growing very fast. Therefore ISTA (Faculty of Information Technology and Visual Communication FTIKV) should have a long-term goal of an organization to gain a sustainable competitive advantage, namely by having the ability to learn faster than its competitors. The faster an organization capable mastering a new knowledge, the organization has already done than its competitors. This study describes the process of learning in five disciplines learning according to Senge, namely personal mastery, mentals models, shared vision team learning and system thinking, with reference to the concept of Senge on the Organisasi pembelajaran, interesting to study the extent to which the fifth discipline learning of the implications for communication within the organization in line with the growing motivation to learn from members of the organization, as well as the extent to which the learning process has implications for the quality of service to students. Research will be done in several ways and is centered on how the management information system can be a reference in making the right decisions in order to bring changement for the better progress of the organization so that it can be more superior than its competitors. With the management information system is expected to be no common ground in view of advantages and disadvantages in FTIKV ISTA.


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