• Winarno Sugeng
  • Pranindita Septiartikasih
Keywords: Raspberry Pi, Room Dryer, Drying


Room dryer is a drying room which is used to reduce the water content. In the process of drying at room dryer monitoring and control is done manually which control must be done directly by the employee and the report data recording still using by handwritten. Raspberry Pi is known as Raspi-based microprocessors that use the SoC (System on a Chip) from the Broadcom BCM2835 and also supports processors ARM1176JZF-S 700 MHz,512 MB RAM, Ethernet (RJ-45) and a USB 2.0 port and has advantages compared to other competitors that has a debian linux-based operating system. With facilities owned by the Rapberry Pi it’s possible to develop innovative new tools. Therefore a monitoring and control system is built as a room dryer that remotely controlled by Raspberry Pi. The development of monitoring and control systems room dryer is supported by module DHT11 sensor for detecting the temperature and a relay module to turn on or turn off the DC motor as a means of controlling the temperature in the room dryer. The monitoring and control room dryer also has a base engine that built by using Python programming language, and it can be accessed through a smartphone’sb display.


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