• Mutiana Pratiwi
  • Rima Liana Gema
  • Devia Kartika
Keywords: Customer, Relationship, Management, CRM, Application, Design Interior


Development of Information Technology in the 21st century is very rapid, one example of this is the development of information technology the Internet. People are starting to get used to using the Internet in everyday life. On the other side of the house is a basic need of human beings, people began to see the house is not just a place to stay, because it is the beauty of the interior of the house is already a need to improve the quality of life and culture of the residents and bring a wonderful impression and comfort in the house itself . That is often a problem for consultants is how to know the desires of consumers and ensure that the relationship between the consumer and the company can be well maintained. For that introduced a system called the Electronic Customer Relationship Management (e-CRM). CRM is a business strategy that not only increase transaction volumes, but revenues increase profits and customer satisfaction. The application is built using the programming language PHP and MySQL for database design. The method used in the development of systems using the waterfall method. Underlying the selection of this method because it is done in order to draw up the design and implementation of the system. This study produced an e-CRM application, which shaped a website that has some menus that are not owned by other similar websites. This website also has a complete enough information so that customers can easily get the desired information. With the design of e-CRM application is expected to meet the needs of information and services to customers who are still limited, so it can provide benefits for customers and the company.


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