• Ni Nyoman Supuwiningsih
Keywords: agriculture, city of Denpasar, GIS, digital maps


Agriculture is an activity in utilizing natural resources made by humans so that they can produce food, raw materials for industrial enterprises, energy and natural balance.The limited agricultural land in Denpasar from year to year will affect agricultural output. Based on these problems will require analysis of agricultural products to determine the increase or decrease in agricultural output in Denpasar using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and ArcView GIS 3.3 as a tool that can be used as an ingredient in decision making by the government. The method used in this research is the collection of spatial data and non-spatial data, data analysis of agricultural products in their respective districts in the city of Denpasar and perform digitization into map digital. Results from this study is a digital map that provides information on the mapping of agricultural products in 2011 -2014 in each district in the city of Denpasar.


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