: Journal of Language and Literature2024-12-30T14:32:05+00:00Puspita Dewipuspitadewi1191@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<p style="text-align: justify;">Humanitatis: Journal of Language and Literature is one of the scientific journals at Bumigora University Mataram which is managed under the Institute for Research, Development and Community Service (LPPM). Humanitatis Journal publishes 2 (two) times a year, namely in December and in June . The first published of Humanitatis Journal in December 2014. Humanitatis Journal has a printed ISSN (p-ISSN 2338-9362) and an electronic ISSN (e.ISSN 2477-2267). The Humanitatis Journal is peer-reviewed journal dedicated to interchange for the results of high quality research in all aspect of Language, Literature, Culture and Language and Literature Teaching. Manuscripts that will be accepted are summaries of research results, book reviews or academic/scientific reviews about a phenomenon. We can only publish one paper/manuscript for one author and one more manuscript if the author is a member of the researcher. The author can use both English and Indonesian. Contact for information service Via E-Mail : <strong></strong></p> Stylistic Analysis of Ariana Grande's Intro (End of the World)2024-12-30T14:31:41+00:00Naomi Elisabeth Sianturinaomielisabeth31@gmail.comAbigail Chrissantha Tariganabigailtarigan12@gmail.comNabilah Ariqahnabilaariqah2004@gmail.comRahmadsyah<p>This study explores the application of cognitive stylistics in analyzing Ariana Grande’s song "Intro (End of the<br>World)" through schema theory. Schema theory is employed to understand how listeners interpret the song’s lyrics by activating pre-existing mental frameworks. The background of this research includes examining rhetorical devices used by the artist, such as personification, similes, metaphors, and hyperbole, to convey complex emotions and ideas. The methodology consists of a detailed textual analysis of the lyrics, focusing on identifying and interpreting these devices concerning the song’s thematic elements. The findings indicate that the song addresses themes of relationship evaluation, self-discovery, and the intricacies of interpersonal connections. The metaphorical language, melodic and lyrical structure, and vocal delivery contribute to the song’s emotional depth and thematic complexity. The study concludes that the use of schema theory helps elucidate how these stylistic elements influence listeners’ understanding and emotional engagement with the song, enhancing their overall experience.</p>2024-12-30T09:04:07+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement##’s and Beauvoir’s Theories Portrayed on Sarah’s Character2024-12-30T14:31:43+00:00Viona Edgar<p><span class="fontstyle0">The purpose of this research is to analyze the portrayal of feminine slavery in "Redeeming Love," focusing on understanding the underlying motivations and social pressures that lead Sarah to prostitution. This study explores the social phenomena of women being enslaved as prostitutes and the motivations behind their choices, using the movie "Redeeming Love." The study follows a descriptive qualitative method to examine Sarah’s depiction as a feminine slave and her motivations by employing a context-oriented approach. The research utilizes Simone de Beauvoir’s theory of feminine slavery and Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs to analyze the experiences of the main character, Sarah. The research process involved several steps: first, closely observing the movie; second, focusing on Sarah’s dialogue and actions to discern her depiction and motivations; third, selecting and interpreting dialogues that reflect the concept of feminine slavery and her reasons for engaging in prostitution. The findings reveal that Sarah’s experiences as a prostitute include both external and internal struggles, which align with Beauvoir’s theory of women’s objectification and devaluation by a patriarchal society. The external experience is how Sarah experiences feminine slavery from societal views. The internal experience reflects how Sarah experiences feminine slavery from her personal views. Additionally, the study shows that Sarah, as the main female character, experiences some unfulfilled needs that push her into prostitution. Sarah’s unfulfilled needs are physiological, psychological, esteem, and love-belonging needs. Her unfulfilled needs are caused by her illegitimate status as a child, her father’s abandonment, her poverty, and her inability to meet basic needs due to combined unfulfilled needs. These unfulfilled needs caused her to live as a prostitute. In conclusion, this study provides new insights into the factors contributing to female enslavement and the needs of women in a patriarchal society, enhancing our understanding </span><span class="fontstyle0">of the intersection between women’s objectification and their basic and psychological needs.</span></p>2024-12-30T09:05:59+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Speech Acts found in Orion and the Dark Movie2024-12-30T14:31:45+00:00Putri Dhea Sahara Dhona<p><span class="fontstyle0">Expressive speech acts are designed by the speaker so that the utterance is interpreted as an evaluation of the thing mentioned in the utterance. Expressive speech can be praising, thanking, congratulating, criticizing, insinuating, complaining, and blaming. This research aims to interpret expressive speech acts, describe the types of expressive speech acts, and analyze the form of expressive speech acts in Orion and the Dark Movie. The qualitative method was used because this study aimed to determine the types of speech acts, especially expressive ones, found in Orion and the Dark Movie (2024). The researchers analyzed the data using the pragmatic identity method. The analysis found that 21 expressive speech acts were used in the movie. The most frequently used expressive speech acts are complaining 6 times, apologizing 1 time, congratulating 1 time, thanking 5 times, protesting 1 time, greeting 1 time, welcoming 1 time, and complimenting 7 times. The absent ones are the condole, boast, and deplore.</span> </p>2024-12-30T09:07:52+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Portrayal of Systemic Racism in Carlos López Estrada’s Script in Blindspotting Movie2024-12-30T14:31:47+00:00Junita<p>This research highlights the issue of systemic racism portrayed in <em>Blindspotting</em> movie, through the experiences of Collin as the black American character. The aims of this research are (1) to reveal what forms of systemic racism exist; (2) to identify the factors that cause systemic racism in the movie; and (3) to find out how systemic racism affects the main character’s life in the movie. Qualitative descriptive methods are applied for this research. By using a sociological approach as the theoretical framework of this research, Joe R. Feagin's theory of systemic racism is applied to analyze the issue of systemic racism in the movie. The result shows that through this movie, research also found that historical roots and the white racial frame are the factors causing systemic racism. There are several forms of systemic racism experienced by Collin, including: (1) police brutality and racial profiling; (2) racial bias in the criminal justice system; (3) racial stereotypes and microaggressions; and (4) gentrification. This research also found that the historical roots of racism and the white racial frame are the factors causing systemic racism. As a result of systemic racism, Collin's life is affected both from a social and psychological aspect.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> systemic racism, sociology of literature, police brutality, racial stereotypes, microaggressions, gentrification.</p>2024-12-30T09:10:21+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement##’ Perception Towards Idiomatic Speaking Class: A Study at Foreign Language Center Students2024-12-30T14:31:49+00:00Lasmini Lasminilasmini.doc@gmail.comLaila Watiladyazzurry@gmail.comSiti Adib<p><span class="fontstyle0">Learning idioms requires appropriate teaching methods to facilitate students’ understanding, especially when teaching speaking. Therefore, the research examined how teaching idioms affected students’ speaking skills and perceptions of the learning experiences. The research was conducted at the Foreign Language Center (FLC) students in Selong, East Lombok Regency, using qualitative and quantitative methods, focusing on detailed descriptions and analysis, as well as surveys to investigate social or humanitarian issues. The results showed that 68.75% of students enjoyed learning idioms and felt the class improved their speaking abilities. Meanwhile, about 50% of students experienced difficulty memorizing idioms and correct pronunciation. Interactive teaching methods could make learning more enjoyable. Students gained confidence and fluency in using idioms, despite initial difficulties with pronunciation and memorization. Overall, the study concluded that teaching idioms enhances English speaking skills and student motivation.</span> </p>2024-12-30T09:12:59+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Chronology: Exploring the Signs and Symbols of Time in “Atonement”2024-12-30T14:31:50+00:00Bayu Ade<p><span class="fontstyle0">This study investigates the representation of time in Joe Wright’s film ’Atonement’ (2007), exploring the complex ways cinema can portray temporal experiences. While time manipulation in the film has been widely studied, ’Atonement’ offers a unique case study in its intricate layering of temporal elements. The research aims to analyze how various cinematic techniques in ’Atonement’ contribute to its representation of time and memory. Employing a descriptive-qualitative method with semiotic analysis, this study examines five key aspects: non-linear narrative structure, dual perspective and metafiction, the long take in the Dunkirk scene, representation of historical periods, and the use of sound and music. The findings reveal that ’Atonement’ utilizes a sophisticated interplay of narrative, visual, and auditory elements to create a multifaceted temporal experience. The film’s non-linear structure, meticulous recreation of historical periods, and innovative sound design challenge traditional notions of cinematic time. This innovative approach effectively addresses the research aim by demonstrating how ’Atonement’ uses various cinematic techniques to construct a complex temporal narrative. This research contributes to understanding </span><span class="fontstyle0">how cinema can represent complex temporal narratives, offering insights for film studies and narrative theory.</span></p>2024-12-30T09:18:12+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## the Intrinsic Motivation of the Main Character in the Movie Joy2024-12-30T14:31:52+00:00Eka Fajar Agung<p><span class="fontstyle0">The film Joy is a motivational movie that inspires viewers to work hard and achieve their dreams. This research examines the intrinsic motivation of the main character based on the Basic Psychological Needs Theory, which suggests that intrinsic motivation is driven by three core psychological needs: autonomy, competence, and relatedness. The study explores how these needs are reflected in the character’s actions and dialogue. Using a descriptive-qualitative method, the movie script is analyzed as a primary data source, using document analysis techniques. Data were collected through an observation table and interpreted through content analysis. The findings reveal that the protagonist’s intrinsic motivation is primarily fueled by the need for competence, as shown in seven key moments where she strives for mastery. Autonomy is also significant, seen in six instances where the character resists external pressures to assert control over her choices. Relatedness, identified in five moments, provides emotional support that sustains her motivation. These results highlight the importance of competence in driving personal achievement, while autonomy and relatedness offer essential support. The study shows how films like Joy depict psychological needs and suggests that such portrayals can inspire viewers to pursue their own goals by fostering autonomy, competence, and meaningful relationships.</span> </p>2024-12-30T09:24:34+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## in Management of Education Using ADDIE Method as a Foreign Language Teachers to Improve Students Language Skill Era 5.02024-12-30T14:31:54+00:00Husaini<p><span class="fontstyle0">Implementing learning by utilizing digital can be a solution for foreign language teachers in the era of Society 5.0 to improve students’ language skills at school, especially with the implementation of the independent learning curriculum; students are expected to be more active, creative, and innovative in class. However, problems often occur with students’ foreign language skills in its implementation. This happens because of various obstacles, including teachers who still use the lecture method in learning, so students’ interests and understanding are small. This is caused by presenting material that does not attract students’ interest. This research used a qualitative descriptive method and developed the ADDIE model: Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. This research aims to determine learning methods using ADDIE-based learning, as well as the effectiveness of their use in foreign language learning. The research results show that: 1) The design of the ADDIE model was carried out as follows: a. analysis stage, b. material, strategy, and media design stage, c. development stage, d. implementation design stage in e-learning learning situations and e. trial and error validation by experts, 2) The results of the validity of the learning planning design based on the material validator obtained good results, namely with a score of 70% with good criteria and the media validator obtained 80% results in the very good category, and 3) The results of student responses with very good answers on media design reached 88%. So, this method is very useful </span><span class="fontstyle0">for students in improving their foreign language skills.</span></p>2024-12-30T09:35:18+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Influence of Teacher Personality on Students English Learning Competencies2024-12-30T14:31:55+00:00Uci Dwi Cahyauciedwicahya88@gmail.comWeni Astariweniastari27@gmail.comWiwin Aprianiwiwina10@gmail.comEvi<p><span class="fontstyle0">English teacher’s personality competency in improving students’ English language skills at Unggul Cut Nyak Dhien High School, Langsa City, is quite good. However, although the teacher’s personality is good, namely attitude and learning methods, it still needs to be improved in terms of using innovative learning media according to current developments because the teacher’s attitude and personality greatly influence students’ interest in learning. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. Data collection techniques use observation, interviews, and documentation, while data analysis uses Miles and Huberman’s theory through data reduction, data presentation, and data conclusions. The research results found that the personality competence of English teachers is very good, thereby increasing students’ competence in English; this can be seen through teacher discipline, good communication with students, fellow teachers, and the surrounding environment, and carrying out their duties as teachers well. The hope is that the results of this research can be used as a reading reference or increase knowledge.</span> </p>2024-12-30T09:39:34+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement##’ Perception of Using Kahoot as an Online Assessment2024-12-30T14:31:58+00:00Dedy Ahsan<p><span class="fontstyle0">Kahoot is an innovative assessment tool for education. This article examined students’ views on using Kahoot as a tool for teaching English in an online setting. This study employs a quantitative-descriptive approach. The study focused on a population of eighth-grade students enrolled in an English course consisting of 37 participants. This investigation utilized a Likert Scale and conducted interviews to gather data. The statements were categorized into five distinct forms: Strongly Agree (SA), Agree (A), Neutral (N), Disagree (D), and Strongly Disagree (SD). As indicated by their score of 1073, the majority of students were statistically neutral. Students perceive Kahoot as an enjoyable and user-friendly application with features that foster a constructive learning environment and promote healthy competition. This study’s findings indicate a positive development among students at SMPN 1 Lingsar utilizing Kahoot, highlighting engagement, motivation, competitiveness, and concentration. In summary, Kahoot offers an intuitive interface and appealing design that encourages student engagement in learning.</span> </p>2024-12-30T09:41:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Strategies in Master Ceremony Coaching Clinic: Comparison among Mentors and Mentees2024-12-30T14:31:59+00:00Abdul Kamil<p><span class="fontstyle0">This research scrutinizes the strategy of politeness employed by Mentors (MTRs) and Mentees (MNTs) during the coaching clinic providing Master Ceremony (MC) at Universitas Bumigora. Researchers implemented some techniques (participative observation, interviews, audio recording, case studies, and focus group discussions) to monitor the interaction among the MTRs and MNTs during interaction and comprehend how the theory used, and the strategies affect the communication and lead to effectiveness of rehearsals. This research applied a descriptive qualitative method to see the natural phenomenon of data in the field. The face-saving strategy was found to be mostly applied during coaching; MTRs do 69.23% of the time, and MNTs do 80%. While the face-threatening acts, MTRs uttered 30.77%, and 20% of utterances were uttered by MNTs. Using saving strategies during coaching helps the MTRs maintain good relationships with the MNTs. This research also suggests that implementing politeness strategies creates good communication and relationships at hand. The newness of current research lies in the in-depth analysis of the politeness strategy among mentors and mentees, which the face-saving strategy significantly contributes toward communication effectiveness.</span></p>2024-12-30T09:50:37+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Analysis of the Expressions Interpretation of Bliss Throughout Romantic Context in Taylor Swift’s Songs2024-12-30T14:32:00+00:00Agus Oktaviona Wulandarialiviaoktaviona41@gmail.comNi Ketut Putri Nila<p><span class="fontstyle0">Semantic analysis through the study of contextual meaning theory is a useful approach to examine the meaning of song lyrics in detail. This approach allows us to delve further into the layers of meaning implied behind the series of words contained in the lyrics to reveal aspects that may not be explicitly visible but are at the core of the communication between the songwriter and his audience. This research aims to provide a deeper understanding of concepts such as happiness represented and communicated through poetic language in Taylor Swift’s songs. The research method used is a descriptive qualitative method of relevant song lyrics and cognitive semantic studies used in analyzing data sourced from several Taylor Swift songs. The results of this study show that Taylor Swift uses conceptual metaphors and figurative meanings to describe happiness in love relationships. In the song "Lover," Taylor Swift uses metaphors of travel and freedom to express happiness in living their relationship. In "Call It What You Want," she uses light and endurance metaphors to convey the happiness gained from lasting love. In "Sweet Nothing," Swift uses the metaphor of physical manifestation to describe happiness in simple moments.</span> </p>2024-12-30T09:53:38+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Computational Thinking to Enhance Problem-Solving in English for Specific Purposes Classrooms2024-12-30T14:32:01+00:00Erwin<p style="font-weight: 400;"> In the evolving landscape of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) education, integrating computational thinking<br> (CT) offers a systematic approach to addressing the cognitive and analytical challenges posed by technical texts.<br> This study investigates the impact of CT strategies—decomposition, pattern recognition, and abstraction—on<br> enhancing ESP learners’ reading comprehension and problem-solving skills. A classroom action research (CAR)<br> framework was employed with second-semester management and engineering students at Universitas Bumigora. A mixed-methods approach combined pre- and post-tests, classroom observations, and reflective journals to measure outcomes and capture qualitative insights. The results revealed significant improvements, with reading comprehension scores rising from 59% to 79% and problem-solving scores increasing from 59% to 80.1%. Large effect sizes (Cohen’s d > 1.1) underscored the efficacy of CT strategies. Qualitative findings highlighted increased student confidence, effective use of decomposition and pattern recognition, and the transferability of skills to other contexts. However, challenges with abstraction persisted, indicating a need for additional scaffolding and instructional support. These findings demonstrate the potential of CT to bridge linguistic and analytical gaps in ESP education. Future research should explore longitudinal impacts and expand the application of CT across diverse ESP fields and teaching methodologies.</p>2024-12-30T09:57:14+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## Diglossia Phenomenon in Sasak Language Spoken by the Noblemen of Mambalan2024-12-30T14:32:03+00:00Zainudin Abdussamadsamadzain12@gmail.comWahyu Kamil Syarifaturrahmanwahyu.kamil82@gmail.comSutarman Sutarmansutarmannarmada@gmail.comDiah<p><span class="fontstyle0">This study aims to determine the language used and the diglossia situation among the members of the aristocracy of Mambalan Village, Gunung Sari District, West Nusa Tenggara. The approach used in this study is descriptive qualitative, which applies descriptive methods. Data collection techniques in this study are literature, observation, interviews, recording techniques, and note-taking. Data on diglossia are seen from seven domains: family domain, social domain, buying and selling transaction domain, religious domain, government domain, education domain, and profession domain. Based on research findings show that the aristocracy of Mambalan Village is bilingual and multilingual. This can be seen from the variety of languages used, namely Sasak alus language, Sasak jamak language, and Indonesian. This condition supported the occurrence of the diglossia situation among them. The study’s results based on the family domain show that the aristocracy of the Mambalan village still uses the Sasak alus and Indonesian as a high language (H). In the buying and selling transactions, it can be seen that the Sasak alus language and Indonesian are the high language (H) and most dominant languages used by the noblemen of Mambalan village. In the religion domain, especially when sermons in the mosque are more dominant in using Indonesian as a high language (H). While in the government, education, and professional domains it is more dominant in using Indonesian as a high language variety (H).</span> </p>2024-12-30T09:58:44+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement##