Prototype Sistem Pengunci Pintu Melalui Internet Menggunakan Arduino Uno Berbasis Android
Internet of Think (IoT) is emerging as a big issue on the internet, it is expected that billions of objects will be equipped with various types of sensors connected to the internet through networks as well as technology support such as embedded sensors and actualization. This study aims to design and analyze the application of a prototype door locking system via the internet using Arduino Uno based on Android. This research uses the SDLC method in designing and developing a prototype door lock system over the internet using Arduino Uno based on Android. There are 3 stages of the SDLC method used in this research, namely Requirements Analysis, System Design, and System Implementation. The input from this system is in the form of on and off commands from smartphones that are sent to thingspeak as a server service and will be continued to Arduino devices that have been connected to a solenoid doorlock. If the door is opened, the magnetic sensor switch will send the information back to Thingspeak and continue to the smartphone as feedback. The results of the tests that have been carried out are that the average time required for lock = 4.36 seconds and unlock = 5.30 seconds, while the average sensor test time required to send sensor data with conditions Open = 12.33 seconds and Closed = 12.43 seconds. The delay time depends on the condition of the network connected to the system.
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